If you are not using an official or personal name, you may need to apply to enable the DBA business alias.
If you are not using an official or personal name, you may need to apply to enable the DBA business alias.
In most states, you need a DBA to open a bank account under your company alias name.
In most states, you need a DBA to open a bank account under your company alias name.
DBAs help differentiate new lines of business in the marketplace and manage and grow your business.
DBAs help differentiate new lines of business in the marketplace and manage and grow your business.
We have completed and submitted over thousands of DBAs, and can file directly with the government, so you don't have to do this yourself, and our team will make sure you're not worried.
We have completed and submitted over thousands of DBAs, and can file directly with the government, so you don't have to do this yourself, and our team will make sure you're not worried.
Some U.S. states and counties have other requirements, such as publishing your new name in an approved newspaper and providing the appropriate agency with proof of publication, and we will do all the publishing for you.
Some U.S. states and counties have other requirements, such as publishing your new name in an approved newspaper and providing the appropriate agency with proof of publication, and we will do all the publishing for you.
We will conduct a thorough and exhaustive search to see if your name is available. If not, we will help you find a more suitable one.
We will conduct a thorough and exhaustive search to see if your name is available. If not, we will help you find a more suitable one.
If talking to a lawyer gives you peace of mind, or if you have specific legal issues, our network of independent lawyers will be there for you at all times.
If talking to a lawyer gives you peace of mind, or if you have specific legal issues, our network of independent lawyers will be there for you at all times.
Email: support@mxk8.zendesk.com
Business Hours
Monday to Friday 9:00am to 17:30pm
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